Standard Key and Mouse Operations

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Standard Key and Mouse Operations


Some keystrokes and mouse operations work the same way in all of the program's windows.  The Insert and Delete keys will act on whatever list you last clicked on to add or delete an entry in that list.  For instance, if you click on the Vehicle list and press Insert, a window will open up for you to fill out the information about a new vehicle.  If you click on a vehicle and press Delete, you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete that vehicle, and if you click on Yes, the vehicle and all of the related information for it will be deleted.  There is NO undelete.  The program will never delete anything without confirming the delete with you.


The detail tables work a little differently.  If you click in the fuel table, for example, and press Insert (or press the Add button), a blank line will open up in the table and you can enter the information directly into the table.  Don't worry if it seems to be out of sequence when entering the data, it will sort to the right place after you have finished entering.  Enter each piece of information, then press tab to move to the next fields.  After all fields have been entered, press Enter or Tab from the last field to record the information.


Generally, any field that is black text on a white background can be changed by clicking it and typing in the new information.  In the detail tables, double clicking a field will allow it to be changed. After entering data in any field, press the Tab key to accept the new data and move to the next field.


All lists support multiple orders.  You can change the order of a list by clicking on the column header by which you want to order the list.  Clicking the header again will reverse the order.



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